Research on the Solution of Moral Paradox from the Perspective of Multivalued Logic
DOI: 10.54647/philosophy720104 19 Downloads 1837 Views
Moral paradox is a difficult problem perplexing logic, which is often difficult to solve in classical logic. Suing many valued logic has become a choice. As a solution to moral paradox, multivalued logic provides a thinking framework of the logic system that is different from the traditional binary logic. It helps us look at the old problems from a new perspective, and provides some inspiration and thinking for improving and optimizing moral education and moral construction.
moral paradox; multivalued logic; solution path; moral construction
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Weikang Zhu,
Research on the Solution of Moral Paradox from the Perspective of Multivalued Logic
, SCIREA Journal of Philosophy.
Volume 4, Issue 5, October 2024 | PP. 102-110.
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